Wednesday, January 10, 2018

How the Twitter Indie Film Podcast & Review Campaign Will Work

Naturally when I started the Twitter campaign to connect indie filmmakers, actors, and their films with reviewers and podcasters... ahs had a plan!

That was a dang lie! I've pretty much been improvising the whole way.

But from chaos comes order. Unfortunately also a definition of my usual daily routine; I have a tendency to jump in head first, then put together any pieces that survived the fracas and call it a plan.

So how does this campaign work?

I have gathered together filmmakers, actors and their films (Twitter accounts) into one list, and reviewers and podcasters interested in doing interviews and reviews into another list. Of course if I want more bloody chaos on my hands I would just combine both lists all at once and sit back and watch the show. But as entertaining, and admittedly demented, as that sounds, it's not very nice and in the end won't accomplish much. I know what it's like to have a backlog and be constantly adding to it, so I'm trying to avoid overwhelming either group with too much at once.

Obviously I didn't have this plan at first as I had no idea what the response would be. With the response as it is I had to develop some kind of plan and here it is:

Starting in a few days I will be posting tweets for each individual film, actor, or filmmaker on the list. I will be tagging reviewers/podcasters from the other list, four at a time for each individual tweet. Each tweet will be like a mini-presskit with some info, IMDb link, obviously a link to their Twitter account, and a poster, pics, etc. (The etc. is a way of saying "whatever else I think of at the moment")


I will be using the hashtag #IndieFilmPolka for each tweet. This way if someone wants to check out other tweets they just need to click on the hashtag. This hashtag has not been used on Twitter, so unless somebody else suddenly starts using it only tweets in the campaign should be linked to it. I had thought of using PoCa, for podcast campaign, but it sounded like Polka and let's face it, that just more entertaining anyway.

I don't know how many tweets I'll do in a day. It requires some work putting them together, and I do want to spread them out. Each film, filmmaker, or actor will be tweeted to 4 reviewers/podcasters at a time, cycling through the list and tweeting a different film, filmmaker or actor to the next four reviewers/interviewers on the list, until either list has been extinguished, then I start over beginning with the next film, filmmaker or actor on the list to the next block of four reviewers/podcaster on their list. By the time I have finished every film, filmmaker and actor on the list will have been tweeted individually to everybody on the other list.

Gawd help me...what have I done? O.O

Hopefully nobody but me will be confused by this. ;)


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