
Logos For Linking

Okay, it might sound like a strange page title, but I hope it gets the point across.

Having looked at others' blogs and review sites and their cool logos for their sites, I decided to do my own too. I don't actually use a logo on this site as I am always conscious of the user experience and a logo adds to the loading time of the pages, as well it can throw off formatting for mobile and smartphone visitors.

I'm making some logos and banners for this site so if you want to link to my review of your film from your press page, or for whatever reason you want to link to me ya weirdo, and you prefer to have a logo for linking you can use what I have here.

This first one is a standard JPEG file. Resize it however you need.

This next one is a PNG file with a transparent background. The dimensions are 754x239.

This is just a smaller version of the above logo; also a PNG file with transparent background. The dimensions are 377x119. If you need a specific size or possibly lighter text, contact me and I'll customize it for you.

This is just a standard 468x60 web advertising banner size. Not my best work, but it provides an option if you prefer banners.